SimbaMadDiaries#2 – Treats for what???

SimbaMadDiaries#2 – Treats for what???

On an average Simba pees 20 times a day at various locations in the house as per his fancy. The newspaper training trick is not working as he simply starts shredding the paper into bits and eating it.

So we are trying other means (which will make this post too long if I elaborate, so skipping it.)… and so far His Majesty pees in the bathroom exactly twice a day (I think he has learnt to count to 2 ;-P). Today when he peed for the third time in the bathroom, i rewarded him with a treat as usual. Immediately after this he proceeded to do the big job in the living room in front of the temple as always and came bounding to me joyfully and hopefully for a treat for that too (No way I am encouraging that!) !!! LMAO

Simba snuggling up to his teddy at night

Simba snuggling up to his teddy at night. During the day he has wrestling matches with the same teddy and tries his best to shred him to bits!

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